Not really much of an update for the amount of time that I've been away, but Rainier now at least has potential motivation! Based on a tip from Slothman86, I trolled craigslist and found someone selling an electric wheelchair for $140! I drove the 45 minutes to his house to pick it up, and it works pretty nicely!
It's got a simple controller; essentially, there's a velocity dial, and a joystick. I have yet to strip it down. Once I do—and since I can't weld—I will likely create a bolted metal framework on which to attach it to the fender, much like this post in Variable's build diary.
The other update is that I wanted Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) to autograph one of my Dalek hemis, so I prepped a few to take to Emerald City Comicon where she was attending as a guest. I primed and painted four hemispheres with the Valspar brilliant gold, about three coats, and let them dry for a day. She recognized them immediately, signed one, and wanted me to tweet her a picture of Rainier once he's finished! I was a little gobsmacked, and said "certainly"!
I also repaired and prepped the dome mold for another casting after getting some more chrome wheel trim, and am waiting for some decent weather to start again.
Also, each night, I'm trying to get at least four to eight hemis glued to their bolted disks so that I get all 56 done. I want to start cutting the 1/2" MDF soon for the shoulder slats soon, too.
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