(Originally posted on July 24th, 2013)
Came home to find that the Heronair had arrived today! *happy snoopy dance*
Also, just now quickly sanded my second Bondo application, repairing one of the incomplete edges. Nice work, Bondo!
And now, presenting my first unofficial stack shot!
Now, to measure out what wood I'm going to need for the fender base, shoulders, and neck rings. If I'd had that on-hand earlier, I could have at least bought more wood whilst at Lowe's.
I saw a simple way to make a jigsaw jig for cutting circles, which I intend to use for cutting out the top of the skirt, the two horizontal sections of the shoulders, neck rings, and eventual inner dome plate. If I can get away with not having to buy a router, I'm all for it!
(Originally posted on July 25th, 2013)
Decided to measure out a few more things using the 2005 plans and the Builder's Workbook, and purchase the necessary materials. Went to Lowe's and located a nice 4' x 8' x 3/4" MDF board (fender base and enough left for two neck rings) and a 4' x '4 x 1/2" piece of plywood (eventual shoulder top and bottom).
(I still don't have the mayorship at Lowe's, even after all these Foursquare check-ins!)
Got home and started measuring and marking the outline for the fender base. Took a little while since I had to extrapolate a lot of the measurements, but I think I got everything correct.
Afterward, I placed the skirt on top to see where I needed to center it. Subtracting the length of the skirt from the length of the base (as defined in the plans) leaves a difference of 12.9cm. I interpreted this to mean that there's a distance of 6.45cm from the front of the base to the front of the skirt, and similarly in the back. The difference from side to side was an even 12cm, leaving 6cm between the base and skirt on those sides. Mine didn't quite match this; I was about 5.9cm on the front, 5.5cm on the sides, and 6cm on the back. I think it's because I didn't take into account the width of the HDF when cutting the skirt base. However, that's close enough for me! I marked outlines where all the panel vertices are so that I can center it again later.
I also realized that I will actually need the hole cutter after all, at least the 4" and the 3.5" ones, as well as the arbor. This is because of the MDF/HDF needed for the hemi interiors (3.5" circles to secure the bolts), and the gun box holes (4" for the front holes, 3.5" for the back holes). But when checked at Lowe's, the 4" and the arbor were out of stock! Blergh. I'll have to check later.
1 - Bondo spreaders (3): $3.79
1 - Bondo (1 quart): $17.99
1 - 4' x 4' x 1/2" fir plywood: $21.73
1 - 4' x 8' x 3/4" MDF board: $34.98
1 - 2' x 7' black Heronair: $64.46 (incl. shipping)
Total: $139.16
Grand total: $142.95
Total to date: $711.56
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